Velikonoce v Čechu!

Easter just came around! With a new host family as of last Thursday, I'm happy to say that Easter was amazing! Let me just tell you about my Easter weekend!!

Sunday I was taken to the castle that my new host dad runs, called the Valtice castle. Valtice is about a 40-50 minute drive from Brno, being basically right on the Austrian border. It's a very beautiful place and full of history. I was able to take a tour of the building and my host dad showed me the old winter horse riding building/stables which was a gift to see!

I was taken later that day to a town called Jindřichův Hradec in Bohemia (the western regions of the Czech Republic) because my host mom has her parents and some family that live there. Monday, I experienced a fully Czech Easter. On Easter in the Czech Republic, women are hit on the legs/buttocks area with whips made of thin, new willow branches, and this action is supposed to bring health and beauty in the coming year. Many boys go around the town/city house to house to get as many women/girls as they can. In return for this hitting, the girls/women are supposed to tie a ribbon on the end of the homemade whip and give a painted egg to the boy/man. It seemed to me like a big contest.

While visiting J.H., I was able to visit an Australian exchange student that I had not seen since ski week, which was absolutely awesome, and I was able to taste some Czech baking at Eastertime. The special bread is the same as my Ukrainian grandma makes for her friends and our family on Easter. (But I have to say my grandma makes a better bread than the Czech one I tried).

Anyways, Easter was interesting, fun and questionable at the same time.

Thanks for reading!!


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